Do you want to stop your bad spending habits? this is how you can start

How to stop bad spending habits

I believe we can agree that money is a fact life. We require it to be able to carry on with our lives by obtaining resources that can better our way of living. There are many reasons as to why we need money, be it to be able to go on road trips with friends, eat at accomplished establishments with your crew, attend Amazing events like Oktoberfest, be able to purchase farm equipment for your animals and crops. The list goes on and on! Money is a great thing to have but it comes with its own incredible burden. At Mombo Sacco, we’ll help you break down and analyze the best methods to improve your spending habits.

First and foremost, know that this is an Incredibly human struggle to possess and know that there are ways to be able to curb your bad spending habits. As the best Sacco in Kenya, we’ve got your back to help you decipher what steps to take to become better. We have made a number of articles to give you tips on how to survive this hard financial times such as what to do if you lost your income due to covid 19 and how to feed your family on a tight budget, check them out when you can.

1 Identify Bad Spending Habits

Each of us tends to be very conscious of our vices. We know the things that we do that can let us and the people around us down and even if we happen to be oblivious sometimes, we are fortunate enough to have individuals willing to knock some sense into us. Being able to point out things about ourselves that may be counterproductive towards cultivating a healthy spending lifestyle may seem impossible but here are a few ways you can go about it;

i.) When you venture into a mall and see that ‘On Sale at Discounted prices’ board set up right in the middle of the entire space, almost like a devious devil trying to pull you in, you can’t help but rationalize that it’s a discounted price from the original and thus not such a bad deal but essentially, buying that product at 75% off when you hadn’t intended to purchase it in the first place is grounds for a massive blow on your funds for you will lack for the things you actually need. A sale is not always a steal. Be prepared before impulsively spending on something that looks Extra appealing. I mean, after all, Not all that glitters is gold.

ii.) I am always personally side tracked whenever I log into Jumia and see those incredible deals. With this new day and age of technology, venturing into shops to purchase products is slowly becoming an obsolete method of buying goods and thus that guilt and little voice in your head that makes you put back that extra product you wanted to buy isn’t as predominant when all this amazing deals and advertisements are literally screaming at you to acquire them. Thus, the best way to avoid this particular vice is to simply limit the online buying altogether. Its fun and easy but, and take it from someone with personal experience, impulse buying happens to be the greatest way to drain your funds. Just, don’t do it.

iii.) We tend to be forgetful as human beings and we find ourselves purchasing things we either don’t need or a duplicate product which we usually rationalize can come in handy down the line and sometimes it does, no doubt, but it takes away from the product you were originally and essentially going to purchase. It’s a sticky situation and having two of something is not logically sound in the grand scheme of things.

iv.) Purchasing of data bundles and the like is essential in our technologically adept world for we want to keep I contact with our friends and family, with videos on Instagram, Tik tok and other social media sites but sometimes, the data usage can lead to overspending. Which is exactly why one needs to find better alternative methods like, for example, consider installing Wi-Fi. It will reduce the cost of purchasing bundles every day as that money can be used to pay for said Wi-Fi. Its not for everyone but it is something to mull over.

v.) Food is a basic need for all humans and we especially love to discover new restaurants and eat out at that fast food joint with friends and family but it becomes strenuous on our pockets whenever we do it consistently over a long period of time. Thus, my opinion is, just cook at home. Purchase the ingredients at a way cheaper price and experiment on new meals whenever you can. Keep things spicy!(both literally and figuratively) For those who don’t know how, it can be an interesting hobby to take up!

2 Remind Yourself Why You Are Doing This

Having a set goal in mind as to why you’ve decided to venture down this particular path can be able to help keep things in perspective for you and make your money goals seem all the more achievable. Every single time you walk through that mall or pull out your wallet/purse, you will be reminded as to why you’re taking this initiative and it will strengthen your resolve all the more to be successful in your undertaking.

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3 Track Your Spending

This is best achieved by finding an accountability partner, someone you can rely on who can help you realize your financial goals and manage your money well. It could be a friend, family or a partner. Whoever makes you feel most comfortable. Its up to you. Together, you can draw up a plan and be able to follow through with it. They can help keep you in check and their support will go a long way towards ensuring your resolve does not falter. What’s better than having someone you care for rooting for you all the way?

4 Create A Budget

This is one of the most important steps to take towards regulating your bad spending habits. It is essential to have a set out plan as to how you want to manage your finances and what essentially you wish to prioritize above all else. This can help you be able to, for example, get out of debt for you will be able to accumulate finances towards paying them off. Also, if you do it well enough, you’ll find that you are able to have leftover funds that you can pool into a kitty for either a rainy day or can better yet be used towards a road trip with friends. All the same, ensure you have a plan and follow through with it and the results will come streaming in!

5 Peer Pressure

I know many of you are looking at this skeptically because some believe that this doesn’t exist in this day and age but it happens to the best of us. Being strong willed sometimes is not enough to fight against the need to please our friends and be liked, or rather, acquire their respect. Having friends who are richer than you is not a crime but you need to be able to acquire the self discipline needed to stop yourself from overspending when you’re with them.

Be open with them about your financial situation if you’re close enough and let them support you towards making your life better by toning down on the big spending. I mean, that Is what friends are for, right? A great support system. If they don’t come through for you in this respect then you’d really need to sit down and reevaluate your circle

6 Social Media

It is the bane of our existence, to be able to communicate with our friends and family and watch online videos and tweet etc. Technology has been a blessing and a curse, especially with regards to online shopping for it is essentially a trigger, having all the avenues to be able to purchase all you want. I know the advertisement for that pair of killer boots or that PlayStation Five looks phenomenal (I mean, the marketers wouldn’t be doing such a great job if it didn’t) but it is imperative that you control yourself and ensure you are not snared into that trap for it is a slippery slope. 

As stated earlier, impulse buying is one of the main ways many of us fall into the deep dark rabbit hole of debt and overspending which is why, if possible, download ad blocker and eliminate those sites and apps from your devices and take even further steps to ensure you don’t come into contact with them. Doing that will give you a better chance at achieving your money goals!

7 Make Some Room For Fun

A good deed always deserves a reward and this is no different at all. By dedicating yourself to this process, you have broke down the barriers and acknowledged the need to be better. Thus, whenever you manage a positive feat, no matter how massive or small, always remember to reward yourself for the effort posed for you’ve given it your all! It will be a great motivator to do better and receive greater awards but don’t go too crazy with the rewards.

All in all, this is a journey that requires one to be patient. Baby steps, as they say. Breaking a habit that has been cultivated over a long period of time is never easy but with great determination and effort, you can do it! We’ll be rooting for you the whole way!

The Mombo Sacco Family.

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